Daily Archives: January 18, 2014

7 reasons I love wool


Photo credit Wikimedia

I love wool

and I will always do because:

1. It resists static charges

and I am not zapped if I touch something metallic. This reason would be already sufficient enough for me to buy it 😉

2. It is natural

It is produced annually from sheeps’ hair and is bio-degradable. It respects the environment.

3. It is durable

Acrylic is cheaper, I know. But to buy wool means to invest in quality and duration. Afterall,  having knitted something unique, I bet you want your creation to last as long as possible.

4. It is breathable

It insulates you and at the same time allows your skin to breath. In plain words, it avoids the buildup of odors. Moreover, it is anti-bacterical and thus more hygienical.

5. It is versatile

It is well-known that it keeps you warm in winter and fresh in summer.

6. It is flame retardant

I feel safer just wearing a wool sweater instead of one made of synthethic fibers. If you know how to distinguish wool than acrylic (I will also write a post about it) you should know what can happen in case of fire.

7. It can also be machine-washed

I wash almost everything in the washing machine. I set the washing machine at the specific cycle,  use a neutral detergent and afterwards lay it flat to dry. Of course I follow always the yarn label’s care instructions. If something is very delicate I just hand wash it, it is not a big deal.